With year-round school, it's hard to find a summer camp. Every strings camp that sounded good either took place while Bianca's still in school or back to school. There was one we signed up for, but it was cancelled. So instead, I decided to put Bianca in private viola lessons. It would help with her technique and the little things the orchestra instructor at school can't help each child with. So we found someone who teaches viola/violin and started at the beginning of June. Her teacher Brian graduated in viola performance from BYU so I thought he'd be a good fit. And it's gone well. He expects a lot--she has to memorize her songs every week--and Bianca has really had to step it up. The recital was on Saturday, and Bianca has really improved.
The funniest part of the day, however, was something Portia said. Bianca--and the other younger students--have all been working their way through Suzuki book one. So when one of the other kids played a song for the recital that Bianca had already played herself weeks before, Portia yelled out, "Bianca wrote that song." I pressed my hand over her mouth and told her that while Bianca has written a lot of songs, she didn't write that one. Funny, and embarrassing.
Assuming the private lessons aren't too much work when orchestra picks back up in September, we might keep going with them.
I think Portia's right on. Even if she hasn't written that particular piece, just give her time. :)
The new blog background is perfect.
Bianca wrote it! Classic kid moment. Good for Bianca. I learned the violin with the Suzuki method and it really trained my ear well. Just make sure he teaches her a lot of theory with it, because I really don't think Suzuki is good for that.
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