Sunday, June 10, 2012

Portia's Preschool Graduation

Friday was Portia's preschool graduation. Here is the little graduate:

Portia has learned so much in the last two years. Her reading has really taken off. She's counting all different kinds of ways. She's always singing or reciting a poem she's learned in preschool.

But most of all, she loves playing. She's made a lot of good friends at preschool.

They sang songs and played Twinkle on the violin. I personally think Portia could have done better at her Twinkle. This is the Tiger Mom in me coming out. But I didn't really work with her this year and it shows. I have a hard time accepting that all the other kids are better than my child.

Well, it is what it is. Portia still has a couple more weeks of preschool, but there won't be any more worksheets and it will be mostly fun. They're learning to sew their own pillow cases, and they'll be doing some exploring as well. And it's okay about the violin. Portia will be playing the cello anyway. Her first lesson is tomorrow. I'll be hearing Twinkles for another two years.

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