Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lake Powell 2014

I'd never been to Lake Powell. I didn't know anything about it—how picturesque every corner is, how many little niches and corners there are and how fun it might be to spend a week on a houseboat there. Our family was invited to spend a week on Eric's friend Amy's new houseboat. I actually thought I might be able to work a couple hours each day. We didn't have Internet or cell coverage and once I accepted that, it was really refreshing to not worry about what was going on in around the rest of the world.

We got to go on the little boat, try out surfing and water skiing and pretty much spent the entire week in our swimsuits. No make-up, no hair to worry about. It was so nice.

Each family took on one breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's overwhelming to feedback over 30 people but so nice to sit back and enjoy when it was another family's turn to make the food. The girls brought along their instruments to practice a little each day and played in the talent show.  Here's Portia practicing her cello in our room (that little door is the cuddy where Portia and her friend Macy slept):

I also discovered paddle boarding and really liked how relaxing it is. When your surroundings are this beautiful, it's easy to be alone and just drink in all the natural beauty. One day, we went on the two boats and hiked up to Rainbow Bridge. Portia decided against the hike and stayed with Amy back on the boat, which is why she isn't with us in this picture.  

We stayed up late most nights, playing games, watching movies and talking. 

I'd love to go back again sometime!

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