Sunday, June 22, 2014

End of year performances

I've been a little too excited for the end of the year so that things would settle down a little. Kind of funny, now that I think about it. But one of the reasons is because Bianca gets a break for the summer from orchestra. She really loves her orchestra, but it's so much running (and she's gone so long on Saturdays). Their last concert was at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. It was a great concert, but unfortunately I wasn't allowed to record anything. Instead, here's a picture of Bianca with her orchestra from the last concert. (They'd had a whole bunch of last-minute rehearsals that week, I felt like we were driving to SLC every day. Actually, we were.)

The day after the concert was Bianca's viola recital. It was really so much in one weekend. She played three movements from the Telemann concerto:

Movement One

Movement Two

Movement Three

Bianca's taken lessons from Roberta now for three full years and this is the first time I've gotten a picture of them together. She really adores her teacher. Bianca knows how lucky she is to have such an amazing teacher.

It was funny, though. As we were driving home, we drove by the Recital Hall where the GMS meets and Bianca had left her music stand (really, Portia's) so she ran inside (it was a Sunday so we thought it was odd that people were parked outside). It just so happened to be the recital of the viola instructor at her orchestra. So Bianca was able to get pictures taken with the viola section of her orchestra this year. Only one of the violists wasn't there.

The viola section
GMS viola section with the viola instructor

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