Anyway, Jillyboo has not disappointed. I made a discovery over the last couple of months that confirms what an awesome cat she is. So, as many of you know, I've struggled trying to get our dog Tigger to go to the bathroom outside. If I don't make him go outside, he won't. So I have to keep him jailed in his kennel, make sure he goes in order to give him any freedom at all. And even though, he usually sidles off when I'm least suspecting it and goes somewhere in the house. Amidst all this, my smart cat decided she prefers using the outdoor potty to her litter box. I went to change the litter box, which is the one thing I hate about having a cat, and there was nothing there. Seriously, for two months now. At first when she'd stand by the door wanting to go outside and I'd let her, only to see her wanting to come back in a couple minutes later, I thought she was just being indecisive. No, my cat's showing Tigger up. I seriously adore this cat.
It's probably better that I have kids rather than an apartment full of cats. Just think of the full litter boxes. No, I'd rather not.